Talking about DDos problem , perhaps it would be difficult to make sure that how we can secure 100 % before this problem . Because there are so many modes of attack as dos , ddos , flood, Slowloris ... and it comes with different intensities . So the solution presented below TechBlog will only be able to help you in certain cases only. However, it will also help you consolidate part of security for your webserver .
Optimized Server DDoS map : Anti DDos hacker virus for Linux Webserver hosting server domain security topics of interest
After successful installation , you can configure the firewall using the command :
1#nano /user/local/ddos/ddos.conf
This is the configuration file of the firewall , basic content will be as follows :
1FREQ=1 // off/ on Firewall (0=off, 1=on) 2NO_OF_CONNECTIONS=50 // max connect from 1 IP to server 3APF_BAN=1 4KILL=1 // on/off (0=off, 1=On) 5EMAIL_TO="" 6BAN_PERIOD=600 // IP ban time is 600 seconds
Referral information , installation , usage TechBlog has presented specific article iptables firewall configuration on CentOS / Redhat . In the case of anti ddos , we are only interested in some basic rules are as follows :
1#Limit the number of incoming tcp connections 2#Interface 0 incoming syn-flood protection 3#iptables -N syn_flood 4#iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -j syn_flood 5#iptables -A syn_flood -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 3 -j RETURN 6#iptables -A syn_flood -j DROP
4 . Mod_antiloris for Apache Installation :
mod_antiloris limited effect of each IP connection request to the webserver .
So basically we 've got some equipment configuration , firewall against DDos . But try to keep track of your system regularly to be able to offer appropriate solutions from time to time .