!spam [TEXT] !rspam [TEXT] !rejoinspam - !join backed up from old raksamp (spams with "player [x] has joined the server" !rejoin [NICKNAME] !newnick [NICKNAME] (you can use no name ("!newnick ") or less than 3 characters !) !jackpot - plays a jackpot game on chat !cube - some weird spam !mute [ID] (only over [CHAT]) !pmspam [TEXT] !pmcmd [CMD] (default: /pm) !cmsgmute [TEXT] - mutes any CMSG message containing our text !class [ID] - requests a class !spawn - spawns our bot !help [CMD] - shows command-info. (example: !help spam) !dialogresponse [TEXT] - sends dialog response !follow [ID] - follows a player !gametextmute [TEXT] - mutes any GAMETEXT message containing our text !spampm [ID] [TEXT] - spams to single ID with custom text !satan - fake ping (666) buggy, i had no time to fix it. !stopchat - mutes whole chat.
To see a list of commands: !extracmds To see command-help: !help [command]
You can change the nickname & IP in RakSAMPClient.xml (.silent = nickname i used, change it to your own) You need to copy bas.dll & samp.dll into the directory where this raksamp is, or put raksamp into GTA San Andreas directory to make it work.
-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 4th of September 2013 06:36:49 AM
-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 4th of September 2013 06:37:48 AM